14 research outputs found

    A Novel Watermarking Method using Hadamard Matrix Quantization

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    One of the most used watermarking algorithms is Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which has a balanced level of imperceptibility and robustness. However, SVD uses a singular matrix for embedding and two orthogonal matrices for reconstruction, which is inefficient. In this paper, a Hadamard matrix is used to get a singular matrix for the reconstruction process. Moreover, SVD works with a floating-point value, which takes long processing time, while the Hadamard matrix works with an integer range, which is more efficient. Visual measurement showed that SVD and the new method had average NC values of 0.8321 and 0.8293, whereas the average SSIM values resulted in the same value (0.9925). In terms of processing time, the proposed method ran faster than SVD with an embedding and extraction time of 0.6308 and 0.2163 seconds against 0.8419 and 0.2935 seconds. The proposed method successfully reduced the running time while maintaining imperceptibility and robustness

    3D Relief Cutting Process Using 2D Image Luminosity Grayscaling on The G-Weike WK1212 CNC Router Machine

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     This study implements the image litophane processing method to convert 2D images into 3D designs using image luminosity grayscaling techniques, so that the design process as input data for CNC router machining operations can be carried out quickly to support rapid prototyping technology. Furthermore, this research will process the 3D design into a 3D engraving object with a relief cutting process using a G-Weike WK1212 CNC router machine. Using the image luminosity grascaling technique, the color composition value is obtained to change the grayscale color image by 33% red, 59% green and 11% blue with a luminosity value of 35% or 89 from the range of luminosity grayscale levels 0 - 255. These results are further increased by 50% to 172 or 67% of the range of grayscale luminosity levels L[0, 255] so that it will be at the ideal luminosity value for the relief cutting process. Using a luminosity value of 172 from a grayscale image, the actual depth value is 1.82mm from a total depth of 3mm, which of course the relief pattern will look good

    Analysis of Supply Chain And Value Chain On Smoked Manyung Fish To Increase Sales On “Asap Indah” Fish Production Center Wonosari Village Demak

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    Fish Production Center “Asap Indah” is one of the production centers in Demak, which specializes in processing fresh fish into semi-processed products, smoked fish. To support the sustainability of product distribution, supply chain management is needed to oversee the process from procurement of raw material to distribution to final consumers. Therefore, a comprehensive supply chain management analysis is necessary to increase sales and establish effective distribution channels. This research aims to understand the existing value chains of smoked manyung fish, the added value of each contributor on value chains, and to determine the most effective distribution channels of smoked manyung fish. The method used for data processing is descriptive-analytic SCM, Value Chain, and Value Added method. The result of this research, based on value-added calculation analysis using the Hayami method, shows fresh fish wholesalers give the least added value to the product or have the least amount of activities, so decreasing the unproductive activity to lower production cost is recommended. Value chain analysis shows that distribution channels or the most effective selling method of smoked fish are direct selling to the final consumer,accompanied by developing vacuum packaging to increase consumers’ interest in the product

    Proposed Machine Maintenance Management To Reduce Breakdown In Kacang Atom Production Process PT. XYZ With Preventive Maintenance Method

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    PT. XYZ is engaged in the production of snacks. This company makes products from raw materials to finished products. In the packaging section using a machine called CingFong, the problem that often occurs in the packaging section is that there is often a buildup of production materials due to waiting for machines that have not finished maintenance so that it can reduce the productivity of this factory. Overall the method used is Preventive Maintenance by looking for Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) to identify critical components in Cingfong engine parts. From the data processing that has been done, it is known that the Clutch, Blade and Emergency Stop are components that fall into the category of critical components with a total Cumulative Downtime of 70.3%

    Analysis of Critical Activity in the Hydromechanical Component Fabrication Project for Dam “X” using the Critical Path Method

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    One of the projects currently being undertaken by PT. XYZ is Dam “X”. Based on project management data obtained from PT. XYZ, the actual project construction process experienced a significant delay from the planned schedule, with a delay duration of approximately 30 days. The delay will have an impact on the duration of the final completion of the project, including the process of delivering project results to consumers. The purpose of this study is to determine the critical path in project implementation and identify activities that do not have slack time because it will affect the duration of the overall project completion. The method used in this study is the Critical Path Method (CPM), which is a network method consisting of a series of activity components with the longest total time and showing the fastest duration of project completion. The results showed that the Manufacturing Project has a total of 11 critical activities out of 37 activities (work packages), with a total critical time of 75 days. The total critical time from the calculation of the CPM method also shows the optimal total project duration which can be used as a reference for the project team for the completion of a fabrication project or a hydromechanical component installation project on Dam "X"

    Interpretive Structural Modelling Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Rantai Pasok UKM Mina Indo Sejahtera

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    Meningkatnya potensi pasar pangan organik yang diikuti dengan pertumbuhan pasar organik di Indonesia, menyebabkan persaingan yang sangat tinggi antar para pelaku usaha pangan organik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu pengembangan strategi rantai pasok, agar dapat tercipta keunggulan kompetitif bagi UKM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM), untuk membangun keterkaitan antar variabel rantai pasokan. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mengidentifikasi delapan variabel yang menjadi kunci sukses daya saing rantai pasok UKM Mina Indo Sejahtera. Model ISM tersebut menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh paling signifikan adalah penentuan jumlah dan lokasi reseller sesuai potensi market. Sedangkan yang menduduki level puncak model ISM dan harus menjadi fokus perhatian bagi manajemen UKM, yaitu keterlibatan reseller dalam memaksimalkan pemasaran digital serta koordinasi dan komunikasi yang efektif diantara mitra rantai pasokan. Model ISM yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi panduan bagi pemilik UKM untuk memutuskan strategi yang harus digunakan untuk memaksimalkan pencapaian pada variabel terpenting

    Uji Anova untuk Menentukan Pixel yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Akurasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation (JST-BP) pada Pembacaan Plat Nomor Mobil

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    Jumlah kendaraan bermotor khususnya mobil di indonesia pada tahun 2019 mencapai 24,6 juta unit. Dengan semakin banyaknya kendaran roda empat tak jarang mengakibatkan antrian panjang pada gerbang tol meskipun sudah menerpakan system e-tol. Pemerintah berencana untuk mengurangi gerbang tol yang tidak perlu dengan memberlakukan multilane free flow (MLF). MLF akan menggunakan deteksi plat nomor kendaraan yang secara otomatis akan melakukan debit ke rekening pribadi pengendara untuk membayar biaya tol. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk membaca plat nomor kendaran adalah dengan JST Backpropagation. JST Backpropagation memiliki keunggulan kecepatan proses yang baik, akan tetapi kecepatan proses JST dipengaruhi oleh besarnya node pada layer input JST. Tidak semua pixel pada citra huruf dan angka memiliki pengaruh atau dapat membedakan huruf satu ataupun angka yang satu dengan yang lainya, sehingga hanya akan memperberat JST dan memperlambat waktu pemrosesan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji anova diperoleh hasil hanya dengan 311 pixel yang telah dipilih pada huruf dan 218 pixel yang dipilih hasil, tidak memiliki perbedaan dengan hasil akurasi menggunakan 512 pixel awal

    A Virtual Reality Teaching Simulation for Exercise During Pregnancy

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    One of the poor indicators of the development and health status of a country is high maternal mortality. The world has seen that one pregnant woman in every two minutes dies because of complication with serious or long-lasting consequences. During pregnancy, pregnant women tend to reduce physical activity due to increased sensitivity factors. It will lead to decrease the elasticity of muscles and joints. The way to improve the elasticity is doing exercise during pregnancy. But, there are still many pregnant women who are less interested in doing exercise during pregnancy, due to high loaded in working day and dense schedule of daily activities in her career or as a housewife. Some women assume that by attending pregnancy exercise course in hospitals or health care centers is time-consuming and too formal because they have to follow the prenatal personal trainer schedule. The technology that allows helping pregnant women in exercise during pregnancy is virtual reality. In this study, the development of virtual reality application for exercise during pregnancy adapted from the methodology to determine when to use virtual reality in education and training combined with the Immersive Virtual Environment (IVE) questionnaire. The average results of overall components in the IVE questionnaire is 4.26 of 5-point scales that indicates the virtual reality application for exercise during pregnancy is feasible to use by pregnant woman